
Archived Presentations and Events

Presentations and Events 2024

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4-2024 and fiscal 2024 earnings release and conference call
December 4, 2024
Documents related to the
financial results
Picto of  a play button Webcast
Marie Chantal Gingras, CFO and Executive Vice-President, Finance, to present at the Barclays Global Financial Services Conference
September 11, 2024
There is no presentation Picto of  a play button  Webcast
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, to present at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
September 4, 2024
There is no presentation Picto of  a play button  Webcast
Q3 2024 earnings release and conference call
August 28, 2024
Documents related to the
financial results
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Details
Picto of  a play button  Webcast
National Bank of Canada to acquire
Canadian Western Bank
June 11, 2024
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Presentation
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Management comments
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Details
Étienne Dubuc, Executive Vice-President – Financial Markets and Co-President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, National Bank Financial, presents at the TD Financial Services & Fintech Summit June 6, 2024 There is no presentation
for this event
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Q2 2024 earnings release and conference call
May 29, 2024
Documents related to the
financial results
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, presents at the 22ndNBF Annual Financial Services Conference March 26, 2024
There is no presentation
for this event
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Marie Chantal Gingras, CFO and Executive Vice-President, Finance, presents at the RBC Capital Markets Financial Institutions Conference March 5, 2024 There is no presentation for this event The webcast is no longer available
Q1 2024 earnings release and conference call
February 28, 2024
Documents related to the
financial results
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference January 9, 2024 There is no presentation for this event The webcast is no longer available
Q4-2024 and fiscal 2024 earnings release and conference call
Date December 4, 2024
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the
financial results
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button Webcast
Marie Chantal Gingras, CFO and Executive Vice-President, Finance, to present at the Barclays Global Financial Services Conference
Date September 11, 2024
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button  Webcast
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, to present at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
Date September 4, 2024
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button  Webcast
Q3 2024 earnings release and conference call
Date August 28, 2024
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the
financial results
Webcast Links
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Details
Picto of  a play button  Webcast
National Bank of Canada to acquire
Canadian Western Bank
Date June 11, 2024
Presentations and speeches
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Presentation
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Management comments
Webcast Links
Icône d'un document PDF à consulter  [PDF]  Details
Étienne Dubuc, Executive Vice-President – Financial Markets and Co-President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, National Bank Financial, presents at the TD Financial Services & Fintech Summit
Date June 6, 2024
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation
for this event
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Q2 2024 earnings release and conference call
Date May 29, 2024
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the
financial results
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, presents at the 22ndNBF Annual Financial Services Conference
Date March 26, 2024
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation
for this event
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Marie Chantal Gingras, CFO and Executive Vice-President, Finance, presents at the RBC Capital Markets Financial Institutions Conference
Date March 5, 2024
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1 2024 earnings release and conference call
Date February 28, 2024
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the
financial results
Webcast Links
Picto of  a play button Webcast 
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 9, 2024
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 2023 and fiscal 2023 earnings release and conference call
December 1, 2023
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Laurent Ferreira presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit Conference
September 6, 2023
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3 2023 earnings release and conference call
August 30, 2023
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2 2023 earnings release and conference call
May 31, 2023 
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Laurent Ferreira, President & CEO, and Marie Chantal Gingras, CFO, will each present at the 21stNBF Annual Financial Services Conference March 29, 2023 There is no presentation for this event The webcast is no longer available
Q1 2023 earnings release and conference call
March 1, 2023
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Laurent Ferreira presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 9, 2023
There is no presentation for this event Picto of  a play button Webcast 

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 and fiscal 2022 earnings release and conference call
November 30, 2022
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Laurent Ferreira presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit Conference
September 7, 2022
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3 2022 earnings release and conference call
August 24, 2022
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2 2022 earnings release and conference call
May 27, 2022
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Laurent Ferreira presents at the NBF 20th Annual Financial Services Conference
March 22, 2022
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1 2022 earnings release and conference call
February 25, 2022
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Laurent Ferreira presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 10, 2022
There is no presentation for this event

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 and fiscal 2021 earnings release and conference call
December 1, 2021
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit Conference
September 9, 2021
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3 2021 earnings release
and conference call
August 25, 2021
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2 2021 earnings release and conference call
May 28, 2021
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 19th Annual Financial Services Conference
March 24, 2021
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1 2021 earnings release and conference call
February 24, 2021
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 11, 2021
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 and fiscal 2021 earnings release and conference call
Date December 1, 2021
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit Conference
Date September 9, 2021
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q3 2021 earnings release
and conference call
Date August 25, 2021
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q2 2021 earnings release and conference call
Date May 28, 2021
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 19th Annual Financial Services Conference
Date March 24, 2021
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1 2021 earnings release and conference call
Date February 24, 2021
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 11, 2021
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 and fiscal 2020 earnings release and conference call
December 2, 2020
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit Conference
September 9, 2020
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2020 earnings release
and conference call
August 26, 2020
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 10th Annual Quebec Conference
June 16, 2020
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2020 earnings release and conference call
May 26, 2020
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares - VIRTUAL MODE ONLY
April 24, 2020
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2020 earnings release and conference call
February 27, 2020
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 7, 2020
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 and fiscal 2020 earnings release and conference call
Date December 2, 2020
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit Conference
Date September 9, 2020
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2020 earnings release
and conference call
Date August 26, 2020
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 10th Annual Quebec Conference
Date June 16, 2020
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2020 earnings release and conference call
Date May 26, 2020
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares - VIRTUAL MODE ONLY
Date April 24, 2020
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2020 earnings release and conference call
Date February 27, 2020
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 7, 2020
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links 
Q4 & fiscal 2019 earnings release and conference call
December 4, 2019
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Lucie Blanchet presents at the CIBC 18thAnnual Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 25, 2019
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
September 4, 2019
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2019 earnings release
and conference call
August 28, 2019
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2019 earnings release and conference call
May 30, 2019
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 24, 2019
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 17th Annual Financial Services Conference 
March 27, 2019
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2019 earnings release and conference call
February 27, 2019
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 8, 2019
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 & fiscal 2019 earnings release and conference call
Date December 4, 2019
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Lucie Blanchet presents at the CIBC 18thAnnual Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 25, 2019
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
Date September 4, 2019
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2019 earnings release
and conference call
Date August 28, 2019
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2019 earnings release and conference call
Date May 30, 2019
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 24, 2019
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 17th Annual Financial Services Conference 
Date March 27, 2019
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2019 earnings release and conference call
Date February 27, 2019
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 8, 2019
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 & fiscal 2018 earnings release and conference call
December 5, 2018
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Presentation by National Bank on ABA Bank
November 2, 2018
 Presentation The webcast is no longer available
Martin Gagnon presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 26, 2018
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
September 5, 2018
l n'y a pas de présentation pour cet événement
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2018 earnings release and conference call
August 29, 2018
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2018 earnings release and conference call
May 30, 2018
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 20, 2018
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 16th Annual Financial Services Conference
March 27, 2018
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2018 earnings release and conference call
February 28, 2018
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 9, 2018
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 & fiscal 2018 earnings release and conference call
Date December 5, 2018
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Presentation by National Bank on ABA Bank
Date November 2, 2018
Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Martin Gagnon presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 26, 2018
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
Date September 5, 2018
Presentations and speeches
l n'y a pas de présentation pour cet événement
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2018 earnings release and conference call
Date August 29, 2018
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2018 earnings release and conference call
Date May 30, 2018
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 20, 2018
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 16th Annual Financial Services Conference
Date March 27, 2018
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2018 earnings release and conference call
Date February 28, 2018
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 9, 2018
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 & fiscal 2017 earnings results release and conference call
December 1, 2017
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 27, 2017
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
September 6, 2017
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2017 earnings results release and conference call
August 30, 2017
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2017 earnings results release and conference call
May 31, 2017
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 21, 2017
Documents related to the annual meeting The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 15th Annual Financial Services Conference
March 30, 2017
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2017 earnings results release and conference call
March 1, 2017
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 10, 2017
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 & fiscal 2017 earnings results release and conference call
Date December 1, 2017
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 27, 2017
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
Date September 6, 2017
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2017 earnings results release and conference call
Date August 30, 2017
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2017 earnings results release and conference call
Date May 31, 2017
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 21, 2017
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the annual meeting
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 15th Annual Financial Services Conference
Date March 30, 2017
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2017 earnings results release and conference call
Date March 1, 2017
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 10, 2017
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links 
Q4 & fiscal 2016 earnings results release and conference call
December 2, 2016
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 21, 2016
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's International Development Investor Day
September 16, 2016
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
September 7, 2016
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2016 earnings results release and conference call
August 31, 2016
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2016 earnings results release and conference call
June 1, 2016
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 15, 2016
Documents related to the annual meeting The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 14th Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
March 31, 2016
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2016 earnings results release and conference call
February 23, 2016
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 12, 2016
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 & fiscal 2016 earnings results release and conference call
Date December 2, 2016
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 21, 2016
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's International Development Investor Day
Date September 16, 2016
Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotiabank Financials Summit
Date September 7, 2016
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2016 earnings results release and conference call
Date August 31, 2016
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2016 earnings results release and conference call
Date June 1, 2016
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 15, 2016
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the annual meeting
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF 14th Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
Date March 31, 2016
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2016 earnings results release and conference call
Date February 23, 2016
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 12, 2016
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links  The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 & fiscal 2015 earnings results release and conference call
December 2, 2015
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Conference call
- Common share offering
October 1, 2015
 News release The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 16, 2015
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotia Capital's Financials Summit
September 9, 2015
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2015 earnings results release and conference call
August 26, 2015
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2015 earnings results release and conference call
May 27, 2015
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's Personal and Commercial Banking Investor Day
May 1, 2015
 Presentation The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 15, 2015
Documents related to the annual meeting The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the National Bank Financial 13th Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
March 25, 2015
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2015 earnings results release and conference call
February 25, 2015
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 14, 2015
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 & fiscal 2015 earnings results release and conference call
Date December 2, 2015
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Conference call
- Common share offering
Date October 1, 2015
Presentations and speeches
 News release
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 16, 2015
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotia Capital's Financials Summit
Date September 9, 2015
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2015 earnings results release and conference call
Date August 26, 2015
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2015 earnings results release and conference call
Date May 27, 2015
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's Personal and Commercial Banking Investor Day
Date May 1, 2015
Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 15, 2015
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the annual meeting
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the National Bank Financial 13th Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
Date March 25, 2015
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2015 earnings results release and conference call
Date February 25, 2015
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 14, 2015
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
Q4 & fiscal 2014 earnings results release and conference call
December 5, 2014
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 17, 2014
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotia Capital's Financials Summit
September 3, 2014
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2014 earnings results release and  conference call
August 27, 2014
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's Wealth Management Investor Day
June 12, 2014
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2014 earnings results release and  conference call
May 28, 2014
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 10, 2014
Documents related to the annual meeting
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the National Bank Financial Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
March 26, 2014
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2014 earnings results release and  conference call
February 25, 2014
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conferencex
January 14, 2014
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 & fiscal 2014 earnings results release and conference call
Date December 5, 2014
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 17, 2014
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotia Capital's Financials Summit
Date September 3, 2014
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2014 earnings results release and  conference call
Date August 27, 2014
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's Wealth Management Investor Day
Date June 12, 2014
Presentations and speeches
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2014 earnings results release and  conference call
Date May 28, 2014
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 10, 2014
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the annual meeting
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the National Bank Financial Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
Date March 26, 2014
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2014 earnings results release and  conference call
Date February 25, 2014
Presentations and speeches
Documents related to the financial results
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conferencex
Date January 14, 2014
Presentations and speeches
There is no presentation for this event
Webcast Links
The webcast is no longer available

Date Présentations  Liens pour webdiffusion 
Q4 a& fiscal 2013 earnings results release and  conference call
December 4, 2013
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's Financial Markets Investor Day
October 9, 2013
 Presentation The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
September 18, 2013
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotia Capital's Financials Summit
September 4, 2013
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2013 earnings results release and conference call
August 28, 2013
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Conference call on National Bank's acquisition of TD Waterhouse Institutional Services
August 1, 2013
The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2013 earnings results release and conference call
May 24, 2013
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
April 24, 2013
Documents related to the annual meeting
The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF Financial Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
March 27, 2013
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2013 earnings results release and conference call
February 28, 2013
Documents related to the financial results The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
January 8, 2013
There is no presentation for this event
The webcast is no longer available
Q4 a& fiscal 2013 earnings results release and  conference call
Date December 4, 2013
Présentations  Documents related to the financial results
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
National Bank's Financial Markets Investor Day
Date October 9, 2013
Présentations   Presentation
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Diane Giard presents at the CIBC Eastern Institutional Investor Conference
Date September 18, 2013
Présentations  There is no presentation for this event
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the Scotia Capital's Financials Summit
Date September 4, 2013
Présentations  There is no presentation for this event
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Q3-2013 earnings results release and conference call
Date August 28, 2013
Présentations  Documents related to the financial results
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Conference call on National Bank's acquisition of TD Waterhouse Institutional Services
Date August 1, 2013
Présentations   Presentation
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Q2-2013 earnings results release and conference call
Date May 24, 2013
Présentations  Documents related to the financial results
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Annual meeting of the holders of common shares
Date April 24, 2013
Présentations  Documents related to the annual meeting
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the NBF Financial Annual Canadian Financial Services Conference
Date March 27, 2013
Présentations  There is no presentation for this event
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Q1-2013 earnings results release and conference call
Date February 28, 2013
Présentations  Documents related to the financial results
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available
Louis Vachon presents at the RBC Capital Markets Canadian Bank CEO Conference
Date January 8, 2013
Présentations  There is no presentation for this event
Liens pour webdiffusion  The webcast is no longer available

Investor Fact Sheet

The Investor Fact Sheet presents the general profile of National Bank, its shareholding structure, the latest quarterly updates and a financial synopsis.

Picto of a PDF document Q1
Picto of a PDF document Q2
Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
Picto of a PDF document Q2
Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
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Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
Picto of a PDF document Q2
Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
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Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
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Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
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Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
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Picto of a PDF document Q3
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Picto of a PDF document Q1
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Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
Picto of a PDF document Q2
Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4
Picto of a PDF document Q1
Picto of a PDF document Q2
Picto of a PDF document Q3
Picto of a PDF document Q4

Main Features of Regulatory Capital Instruments

Picto of a XLS document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2024)

Picto of a XLS document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2024)

Picto of a XLS document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2024)

 Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2023)

 Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2023)

 Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2023)

 Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2023)

 Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2022)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2022

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2022

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2022

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2021)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2021)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2021)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2021)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2020)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2020)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2020)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2020)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2019)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2019)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2019)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2019)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2018

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2018)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2018)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2018)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2017)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2017)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2017)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2017)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2016)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2016)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2016)

Picto of an Excel document Main features or regulatory capital instruments (as of February 23, 2016)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 31, 2015)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2015)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2015)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2015)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of December 5, 2014)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of October 9, 2014)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of July 31, 2014)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of April 30, 2014)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of February 17, 2014)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of February 7, 2014)

Picto of an Excel document Main features of regulatory capital instruments (as of January 31, 2014)