Mastercard credit card payment insurance 

Guarantee your peace of mind

To sign up or find out more, call us at 1‑877‑871‑7500

Rest easy with our comprehensive coverage

Up to

5 x the balance1

of your credit card in case of accidental death, depending on your plan (up to the credit card limit, maximum $50,000)

Monthly payments of up to

20%3 of the balance

in case of disability or loss of employment, depending on your plan (up to $5,000/month)

Protect your lifestyle with payment insurance

  • Benefits will cover all or part of the outstanding balance on your credit card
  • Protect your balance in case of unforeseen events
  • Your acceptance is automatic—no medical exam or health questions
  • No premiums for the first month

Find the right plan for you

Distinction Plan
Regular Plan
Autonomy Plan
65+ Plan
Life insurance
Accidental death
First cancer diagnosis
Critical illness diagnosis, including cancer
Accidental dismemberment
Job loss
Certain life events
Cost per $100 portion of balance appearing on your most recent statement2 $1.20 $0.99 $0.79 $0.69

Events covered

Job loss

We'll make a monthly payment of up to 20%3 of your Mastercard credit card balance—up to $5,000 per month and $25,000 in total—so you can concentrate on your job search.


Receive a monthly benefit of up to 20%3 of your balance while you recover (up to $5,000 per month and $25,000 in total).

First cancer diagnosis

Focus on what's important—your health. In the case of a first diagnosis of cancer, your outstanding balance is insured up to $10,000.

Critical illness diagnosis

We'll cover up to $25,000 of your credit card balance in case of a cancer, heart attack or stroke diagnosis, so you can focus on getting better.

Life events

Receive a lump-sum payment of $100 on your credit card to celebrate milestones such as a birth or adoption, wedding or purchase of a home.

Accidental death

Credit card payment insurance covers up to five times the amount of your balance (up to the credit card limit, maximum $50,000) in case of accidental death, depending on the plan you choose.

Life insurance

Protect the financial future of your loved ones should the unexpected happen. When you sign up for our credit card payment insurance, you'll receive a lump-sum payment of up to $25,000 on your outstanding balance in the event of death, depending on the plan you choose.

Accidental dismemberment

You'll receive a lump sum of up to $25,000 of your credit card balance.

Little details that matter

Minimum age

Between the ages of 18 and 64 (except for the 65+ Plan)

Legal status

Living in Canada


Primary cardholder of a valid National Bank Mastercard credit card account in good standing

To learn more about your rights before subscribing to a credit card protection insurance, read the AMF fact sheet  (Québec). Some restrictions apply. For details, refer to your plan’s Summary :


Summaries (Quebec)

Distinction Plan [PDF]

Regular Plan [PDF]

Economic Plan [PDF]

Autonomy Plan [PDF]

65+ Plan [PDF]


Summaries (Canada-West-Atlantic)

Distinction Plan [PDF]

Regular Plan [PDF]

Economic Plan [PDF]

Autonomy Plan [PDF]

65+ Plan [PDF]


Some restrictions apply. For details, refer to your plan's insurance certificate:

Distinction Plan [PDF]

Regular Plan [PDF]

Economic Plan [PDF]

Autonomy Plan [PDF]

65+ Plan [PDF]


Subject to the terms and conditions in the insurance certificate issued upon enrolment.

Insurer: National Bank Life Insurance Company

  1. Balance: The outstanding balance on the most recent monthly statement of the Mastercard credit card account prior to the date of the insured event, plus the transactions in process if they have been made no later than the day before the insured event.
  2. Plus applicable taxes. Applicable tax on premiums : Quebec: 9%, Ontario: 8% and Manitoba: 7%
  3. The rate for benefit payable applies to all customers who have credit card payment insurance, depending on the chosen plan.

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Ready to choose a plan?

To sign up or find out more about the terms and conditions, call us at


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