Important information

About NBI Funds and managed solutions

Be a savvy investor

Check out the latest information and notices, consult regulatory documents and learn how to file an investment complaint.


To fully understand your rights as an investor and make informed decisions about your investments, read the NBI Funds' simplified prospectus. The Prospectus contains important information about mutual funds, as well as information specific to NBI Funds.

The simplified prospectus has two parts:

  1. General information on NBI Funds, fees and expenses, tax implications and other related financial information for all funds included in the prospectus.
  2. A fact sheet for each fund, which includes details of what the fund invests in and the associated risks.
Last updated PDF Documents
May 9, 2024
Simplified prospectus
May 23, 2024
Amendment no. 1 to the simplified prospectus
September 17, 2024 
Amendment no. 2 to the simplified prospectus

In accordance with Canadian securities regulations, National Bank Investments Inc. (NBI) has set up an Independent Review Committee (IRC). The NBI Fund managers submit any conflicts of interest to the IRC for review. The IRC also reviews and provides input on managers' written policies and procedures on such conflicts of interest. According to its charter, the IRC is formed of at least three members independent from the NBI Fund managers and their related entities. At least once a year, the IRC prepares a report on its activities for unitholders.

Read the February 21, 2024 report for unitholders by the Independent Review Committee.

Refer to the following documents for the terms and conditions on NBI investments held in registered plans and Tax-Free Savings Accounts:

Securities regulations in Canada require all dealers and advisors to comply with certain rules in relation to conflicts of interest, particularly with respect to the disclosure of information in that regard. The Statement of policies respecting conflicts of interest, in PDF format, describes situations where a conflict of interest might exist and details how NBI responds to such conflicts.

Information and notices

On March 1, 2010, the Canadian Securities Administrators issued an exemptive relief allowing NBI Funds, subject to certain terms and conditions, to purchase equity securities of a reporting issuer during the period of distribution of the securities pursuant to a private placement and for the 60-day period following completion of the distribution, notwithstanding that a related underwriter acted as underwriter in connection with the distribution of securities in the same class. A full copy of the decision is available at

The governments of certain provinces, such as Quebec and New Brunswick, have adopted regulations requiring holders of unclaimed property to make reasonable efforts to find and contact the rightful owners, if their last known address is in one of these provinces. If all efforts taken by the holders are unsuccessful, they must make the information concerning unclaimed property accessible to the public in order to facilitate the return of the property to its owner.

If these regulations apply to you, i.e., if you are an owner of unclaimed property, you can refer to the online database of unclaimed property for the province in question:

Holding Canadian investment funds has specific tax implications for U.S. persons residing in Canada. Consult your tax specialist for advice and information to determine if a Canadian investment fund is right for you.

NBI is committed to the highest standards of ethics and transparency, and makes every effort to provide the top-quality service you deserve. Read the document A commitment you can trust for more information about your relationship with NBI.

Borrowing to invest is much riskier than investing from cash on hand. Here are some risks and factors that you should consider before borrowing to invest.

Is this strategy right for you?

  • Borrowing money to invest is risky. You should only consider borrowing to invest if:
    • you are comfortable with taking risk;
    • you are comfortable taking on debt to buy investments that may go up or down in value;
    • you are investing for the long term;
    • you have a stable income.
  • You should not borrow to invest if:
    • you have a low tolerance for risk;
    • you are investing for a short period of time;
    • you intend to rely on income from the investments to pay your living expenses;
    • you intend to rely on income from the investments to repay the loan. If this income stops or decreases, you may not be able to pay back the loan.


You can end up losing money

  • If the investments go down in value and you have borrowed money, your losses would be larger than had you invested using your own money.
  • Regardless of whether your investments show a gain or a loss, you will still have to pay back the loan with interest. You may have to sell other assets or use money you had set aside for other purposes to pay back the loan.
  • If you used your home as security for the loan, you may lose your home.
  • Even if the investments go up in value, you may still not make enough money to cover the costs of borrowing.


Tax consequences

  • You should not borrow to invest just to receive a tax deduction.
  • Interest costs are not always tax deductible. You may not be entitled to a tax deduction and past deductions may be restated. You should consult a tax professional to determine whether your interest costs will be deductible before borrowing to invest. An advisor should discuss with you the risks of borrowing to invest.

Filing a complaint

National Bank Investments Inc. (“NBI”) clients who are not satisfied with a product or investment service have the right to lodge a complaint and request that their issue be resolved. NBI will make sure that each of these complaints are dealt with in a fair and efficient manner.

To file a complaint, please proceed as follows:

Go to your business unit directly or contact your unit's Compliance Officer by telephone, mail or e-mail. If unavailable, call the National Bank Investments Investor Advisory Services at 514-871-2082 or 1-888-270-3941.

To learn more about complaint settlement at NBI, consult the following document: 

Information on Handling Client Complaints


Following receipt of your complaint, you will received a respond within 90 working days.

Contact Client Complaint Appeal Office (CCAO):

Telephone No.: 1-888-300-9004


To file a complaint consult the Complaint settlement page.

You can also contact your provincial regulator through the following channels:


You are a resident in the province of Quebec:

Autorité des marchés financiers
Place de la Cité, tour Cominar
2640, Laurier Boulevard, Suite 400
Quebec, Quebec, G1V 5C1
Telephone: 514 395-0337 ou 1 877 525-0337
Fax: 1 877 285-4378  

You are a resident of a province other than Quebec:

Canadian Investment Regularoty Organization
121, King West Street, Suite 1000
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3T9
Telephone: 416 361-6332 ou 1 888 466-6332
Fax: 416 361-9073

You can contact the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (“OBSI”) if:

  • NBI or the NClient Complaint Appeal Office (CCAO) did not respond to your complaint in writing within 90 days of receiving it;
  • You are dissatisfied with the response, you have 180 calendar days to submit your complain to OBSI upon receipt of the response.

Also, please be aware that the length of time it takes to file an appeal in civil law tribunals continues to run while the AMF or the Ombudsman reviews your complaint, which could affect your rights to initiate a civil action.

401, Bay Street, Suite 1505, P.O. Box 5
Toronto, ON, M5H 2Y4
Tel. : 416 287-2877 ou 1 888 451-4519 (sans frais)
Fax. : 416 225-4722 ou 1 888 422-2865 (sans frais)
E-mail :

Little details that matter

The information and data provided in this document, including that provided by third parties, are considered accurate at the time of publication and were obtained from sources considered reliable. We reserve the right to edit them without notice. This information and data are provided for information purposes only. No representations or warranties, implicit or explicit, are made as to the accuracy, quality or completeness of this information and data. The opinions expressed are not to be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell units mentioned herein and should not be considered a recommendation.

NBI Funds (the "Funds"), National Bank Strategic Portfolios and National Bank Managed Portfolios (the "Portfolios") and NBI Private Wealth Management ("NBI PWM") are offered and/or managed by National Bank Investments Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of Canada. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and other expenses all may be associated with investing in a Fund and using an asset allocation service (such as the Portfolios or NBI PWM). Please read the Prospectus of the Funds or of the funds that make up the Portfolios and the NBI PWM profiles before investing. The Funds’ securities are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. The Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

For NBI PWM, investors must enter into an agreement with National Bank Investments Inc., which retains the services of National Bank Trust Inc. (for all activity in Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick) or Natcan Trust Company (for all activity in other Canadian provinces and territories), subsidiaries of National Bank of Canada acting as portfolio managers, giving them the authority to select, add or remove NBI Private Portfolios in NBI Private Wealth Management profiles. National Bank Strategic Portfolios and National Bank Managed Portfolios are closed to new purchases. However, National Bank Investments Inc. may maintain certain investors' right to participate, in particular for an existing systematic reinvestment program.

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