How do I assign a job role to a user? Learn how to assign a job role to users in Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
How do I copy a user's job role? Learn how to copy a user's job role and assign it to another user in Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
How do I create a job role for a user? Learn how to create a job role for a user with Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
How do I delete a job role? Learn how to delete a job role in Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
How do I manage a user’s transaction permissions? Learn how to manage a user’s transaction permissions in your Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
How do I remove a job role from a user? Learn how to remove a job role from a user with Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
What is a job role in Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses? Learn how a job role helps manage your employees' permissions and access different levels to your business’s financial information.
Which rights and permissions should I assign to a user? Learn which rights and permissions you should assign to a user in our Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.
Which rights and permissions should I assign to a user for file transfers and to download reports? Learn which rights and permissions you should assign to a user in our Internet Banking Solutions for Businesses.