If you are experiencing financial difficulties and are unable to make your next payment, you can request a payment deferral. The conditions vary depending on your type of loan.
Fixed-rate loan: it’s possible to defer a payment to the end of your term twice per year.
Variable rate loan: a deferral is possible only once for your entire term.
Email us to submit a deferral request using our contact form.
If you have a National Bank account, from your web browser:
This will allow us to access your file and verify your eligibility.
Don’t have a National Bank debit card? Call us at 1-888-835-6281 so we can access your file.
To avoid a payment default, apply for a deferral before the due date of your payment.
If you defer a mortgage payment, interest will still be debited on the due date. To be eligible, you must have made regular payments on your personal loan for the last six months.
If you see early warning signs of financial difficulty, contact your mortgage advisor right away. You will be able to discuss your situation and find solutions that may help you.
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