Growth profile

Achieve your long-term goals

The profile at a glance

You're focused on long-term capital growth. You have a moderate risk tolerance and are willing to accept fluctuations in the value of your portfolio.

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Your 2 main objectives

  • Get long-term capital growth
  • Enjoy high potential returns

Your target asset allocation

Growth profile target allocation graph
Cash and short-term

Cash and short‑term (0%)



Fixed income

Fixed income


Possible allocations

  Cash and short-term Equities Fixed income
Minimum 0% 70% 10%
Target 0% 80% 20%
Maximum 10% 90% 30%

The best solution for you

NBI Growth Portfolio

This portfolio is comprised primarily of equities and provides a moderate level of volatility. Minimum investment: $500.

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Looking to invest $250,000 or more? NBI Private Wealth Management offers a comprehensive discretionary portfolio management service.

Little details that matter

The information and the data supplied on the current page of this site, including those supplied by third parties, are considered accurate at the time of their publication and were obtained from sources which we considered reliable. We reserve the right to modify them without advance notice. This information and data are supplied as informative content only. No representation or guarantee, explicit or implicit, is made as for the exactness, the quality and the complete character of this information and these data. The opinions expressed are not to be construed as solicitation or offer to buy or sell shares mentioned herein and should not be considered as recommendations. 

The NBI Portfolios (the “Portfolios”) are offered by National Bank Investments Inc. and sold by National Bank Savings and Investments Inc., separate entities and indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of National Bank of Canada. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus of the Portfolios before investing. The Portfolios’ securities are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. The Portfolios are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

See the other profiles

Balanced profile

You’re looking for long‑term growth with low to moderate risk.

See the Balanced profile

Equity profile

You have a high tolerance for market fluctuations and are looking to maximize your returns.

See the Equity profile

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